The only logical explanation is time itself. By the time the cold could have gotten to where Aperture is situated (many miles beneath the surface), it would have heated up, and thus would not be cold anymore. It is possible that this may have contributed to the state of decay seen in Portal 2, but not on such a large scale as we see it. But what about other weather conditions? Michigan is a cold state, and is covered in lots of snow and ice in the winter. If Aperture is made out of Tantalum Hafnium Carbide, it would be resistant to heat. However, an atomic bomb is 6000 kelvin, so Aperture may have combined it with another element, however we do not know. Ta4HfC5 can withstand temperatures of 4215 Kelvin. There is one possible metal compound for this: Tantalum hafnium carbide (Ta4HfC5). That's higher than the melting point of Tungsten.

The time that it would have taken for nature to destroy Aperture Science would be thousands of years, because Aperture Science equipment can withstand temperatures of 4000 degrees Kelvin. So, we turn to one possible explanation: Nature.

But since Chell does not die of radiation poisoning during Portal 2, we can safely assume that this is not the case. At the beginning of Portal 2, she is woken up for the first time after 50 days of sleep after the events of the Lab Rat comic, for a mandatory set of physical and mental exercises. But this could not have happened, because it would have incinerated everything, or at least left it in a state of disrepair and radioactive hell. It is not exactly clear how much time Chell has spent in stasis between events of Portal and Portal 2. Both games feature the same antagonist (in Portal 2, only until the end of chapter 5, The Escape, when GLaDOS was replaced with. In Portal 2, it's the levels of the aforementioned chapters 6 and 7. Aperture Science is known to use alternate dimensions, so it's not at all impossible for them to have utilized multiple dimensions to make the facility infinite), so it would have taken a destructive force equivalent to a nuclear explosive device. In Portal, it's the Escape levels, with claustrophobic offices and maintenance areas in extreme disrepair. The facility is huge, at least 5000 meters deep (most likely deeper. However, in Portal 2, the facility is completely trashed, as if somebody came in smashing every object they could find. In Portal, the facility has a few broken things, such as pipes, however we can assume that this is merely because of the carelessness of Aperture Science.
You can also see what's new with the latest patch notes, as well.Aperture Science is located in Upper Michigan. To get started on this new adventure, check out the Portal: Reloaded page here.
This mod is completely free to use and is available now on Steam. Traveling between the present and a version of reality 20 years in the future opens up a completely new way of puzzle-solving. The familiar blue and orange portals, connecting two different places in space, and a third, green time portal, which connects two different timelines. With the recent hotfix that just went live on the morning of April 21, and the mod itself finally becoming available for players to enjoy earlier this month, this once more came on my radar and I couldn't help but share for those that may be unfamiliar.Įxpanding on the concepts of the main game, in Portal Reloaded you get a hold of the Triple Portal Device, allowing you to shoot three different portals. It's not just a simple swap of colors or a retexture this mod includes a completely original, fully-voiced story and the ability to travel through time with the addition of a third portal option. This mod has been in the works from Jannis Brinkman for over eight years now, and that dedication has more than paid off. One such mod that we've covered in the past is Portal Reloaded and with the 10-year anniversary of the game recently passed, we figured what better way to celebrate the passage of time than with a Portal mod that literally plays with the passage of time.
In case you haven't noticed, we love writing about Portal mods here at Game Informer. For good reason, this Valve game is truly unique in its own right with hilarious writing to boot.